Wednesday, March 9, 2011

the 'awesome' internet and 'incredible' washing machine!


The internet is in Taringa

After almost 3 weeks!

Yg silly nyer, internet connection actually, dan bleyh dpt if only kitorang tau yang router tu dah skali ngn moderm.


So the first night with the internet at home was very..erm..

Ju: searching for points for her coming forum

k.amar: facebuking..checklist school visit requirements

nafisah: bahagia bersama cter and lagu2 korea

soleyh: ????

dok d bilik belakang sorang2. Mystery betoi~ haha

me: hee rahsia.. buat apa yang patot..

well, baru first day ada internet dah bikin kecoh!

Soleyh tanpa sedar dan ragu-ragu, dah ‘hack’ fb aku!

Siap, post status lagi, yg xtahan nye g tag aku skali, the owner of the fb..

Biler dah tersedar baru berkejar-kejaran ke ruang tamu nak mintak maaf, kitorang yg asalnyer blurrrr nie sakit perot2 gelak.

Soleyh salah log in fb aku di sebabkan aku sendiri yg xsign out fb time guna d laptop dy.

Apa lagi, bila soleyh ingt tu fb dy, dy tag la aku dlm status yg dy post.

Sampai budak cohort pown prasan and ingt aku da over excited sampai tag diri sendiri.

No wonder la komen aku tidak berbunyi aku.


Tak pe la. Soleyh actually tak de la hack fb aku pown!

Owh ye. Dan mesir basoh pak arab yg super ‘best’ tu dah rusak.

Akhirnya~ Tamat jugak riwayat beliau.


Taringa princesses were happy for the internet even though it is ridiculously slow! and cried for the broken washing machine.

Biasalah suka duka datang silih berganti. Iye dok?


Syeena dah start survey mesin basoh di gumtree.

Owh duit...........

tiada dlm gambar. nafis n soleyh.
will introduce them later.

p/s - boley update blog slaloooooooooooooooooooooo =D

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